Lemuria is an advanced level of enlightenment where you experience a higher level of consciousness or awareness beyond the limitations of the physical body. You become more harmonized with spiritual dimensions and beings, higher realms, and becoming more harmonized with mother nature and more closely attuned with the natural world around you. It allows improved success at mediation and allows the mystical and spiritual world to help you improve and better enjoy your earthly life and to better prepare you for your life after death. A very important aspect of the consciousness of Lemuria involves the use of crystals and how they improve your well-being. Some people believe that thousands of years ago there was a advanced order of civilization that were more attuned to how crystals worked and how they improved life. It’s been suggested that the most likely place of this civilization would have been in the high Andes mountains of South America. This mythical society of Lemurian’s may or may not have ever existed but people have been using crystals for mystical purposes or luck for thousands of years – basically since the dawn of civilization. The name Lemuria was coined in the 1800s by scientists trying to explain the impossible to explain but real distribution of animals in Africa, Madagascar and Asia. Today it has come to mean a difficult to explain higher order of enlightenment that helps improve your quality of life. Similar to various concepts of heaven or the afterlife but with much more connection to the natural world that can be used to improve your earthly life rather than the other way around.

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